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Do You Want To Know About Working Drawing?

Working Drawings

What are construction drawings? 

Work drawings are an integral part of your home building process. They are a set of drawings that include all the structural details and information you need to both get a building permit and build your home. 

What is included in a set of working drawings? 

Whether you are building a bespoke home or building from a house floor plan, the core of the project will be the working drawings. It is important to understand what work drawings are, what they are for, and what you need and don’t need in the set of work drawings for your home. The goal of your executive drawings should be to have everything you need to build the house and nothing you don’t have. 

Elevations in working drawing

The elevations provide scale views of the exterior of the house. This is where we include information on roof slope, roof height, exterior finishes, and other topographical information. Crucial information on materials and techniques for exterior finishing will also be provided. Where applicable, cantilevers will be indicated. These pages will also have further details on what is required for the house plan to meet applicable building codes. 

Floor blueprints in working drawing

The floor plans will include loads of information and will appear as a horizontal cross section presentation all the rooms, windows and doors. Builders will be able to regulate specifications for many materials, including frame components, cabinets and accessories, doors, windows, and more. While some may choose to include separate framing sheets for floors and walls, this information is generally easily accessible through floor plans. This is where individual room sizes, window placement, and placement of things like fireplaces, appliances, kitchen islands, and plumbing will be displayed. The floor plans will show all the information needed to make sure the home complies with the fire safety code (currently IRC 2017). 

Foundation plan in working drawing

The foundation plan is where you will find all the critical information for structural support features. The builder will be able to determine the type and width of the foundation wall to use, as well as identify and size the footings. If necessary, further specific characteristics will be indicated. 

Roof truss plan 

These will provide accurate and detailed information on the structural elements used to frame the roof. It will allow the builder to determine the number and size of the necessary structural elements, as well as the location. The roof structure plans will show information on the dimensions and spacing of the joists. Here you will also find ledges, vents and connectors. 

Section views 

Section views will provide very specific information on various construction and design features. You’ll have wider cross-sectional views of the house, as well as smaller, more focused drawings of elements like walls and stairs. Sometimes designers show these sections as simple schematic drawings and don’t include key details. Remember, the role of a set of working drawings should be to provide everything needed to keep the building compliant with the code, as well as everything needed to maintain the home’s architectural integrity. It is essential that these drawings show good structural details and include detailed and specific notes. 

Electric plans 

Electrical drawings will be included showing chandeliers, plugs, smoke detectors, switches and all accessories required by the code. This electric piano will be a guide for you. Many people use this as a starting point and customize the design according to their lifestyle and their particular needs. Having built homes for years and designed hundreds of homes, we take care to provide you with what you need without adding unnecessary expense or hassle. 

Construction and architectural details 

The cross sections of our plan show much more detail than most. That said, sometimes additional construction and / or architectural details are needed. Some plans require very few such details and some require pages of them. We use our best judgment from our dozens of years in the industry as designers and builders to provide an optimal amount of detail for each particular home floor. 

Detailed plumbing diagrams 

You can see the precise location of the plumbing fixtures, but it’s a misconception that you need to have detailed plumbing diagrams included in your working drawing series. This was something that is sometimes needed in commercial buildings and was needed more frequently decades ago, but it’s not a requirement. 

Site Plan 

The floor plan will include vital information about the lot on which the house will be built. Your working drawings will provide information on easements, setbacks, property boundaries and topography, as well as the building footprint, driveway locations, and any ancillary buildings. The site plan also includes something called a landmark, an elevation that will reference all other elevation points. Builders will use the benchmark as a starting point to calculate the foundation and height of the finished story. Site plans may also include solar information that is crucial for orienting the home and maximizing solar / energy efficiency. This is becoming more and more important for green building strategies and overall planning along with the rest of the house plan. 

Our construction cost is 1800 Rs/sqft

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Don’t hesitate to contact our team. Our team receives special training to ensure that you get all the answers from us you. Get a free consultation from our team. 

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